2022 AZ Health Zone Annual Conference: Weaving Together

Welcome to day two of the AZ Health Zone Annual Conference: Weaving Together.

Time Session Type Speaker Session Title Description
9 a.m. Welcome Arizona Health Zone State Implementation Team Welcome Welcome day two!
9:05 a.m. SET Grand Session Dr. Laurel Jacobs, Dr.PH, MPH
Theresa LeGros, MA
Dr. Kay Orzech, PhD
Weaving Evaluation Into the Fabric of Programming: Moving Toward a CAP-Centered Evaluation Model Learn and share initial feedback on potential changes to the AZ Health Zone evaluation model. More input will be gathered after the conference.
10:05 a.m. Break N/A N/A N/A
10:10 a.m. Breakout A Jason Gillette Methods and Considerations for Engaging Communities As public health organizations, community groups, and service providers, engagement with communities has its challenges. This interactive session highlights methods to plan and coordinate work with community members.
10:10 a.m. Breakout B Christy Moore, MSW Connecting Communities Through Chores Learn how doing laundry became a movement to create healthy, employed communities through laundromats. Now in its fifth year, Social Spin is building its second purpose-driven laundromat and dozens of affordable housing units for community members.
10:10 a.m. Breakout C Dr. Kevin Lorson, PhD Integrating Trauma-Aware Practices into Health Education & Physical Activity Programs Learn how to integrate trauma-aware practices in health education and physical activity programs. Review strategies to provide safe and supportive learning environments and opportunities to build resiliency and social-emotional skills.
10:10 a.m. Breakout D Vanessa Tibbitts, MA
Gretchen Dobervich, BSW
Diana Hawkins, BA
Creating Our Story: The Logic of Logic Modeling This is a continuation of Indigenous Perspectives on Strategic Planning and Logic Model Development. Participants will complete a logic model activity.
11:10 a.m. SIT Grand Session Melisha Bryant Unraveling the Journey: An African Diaspora Food Demo A review of how history, trauma, culture, and food were woven together before, during, and after the African diaspora. Listen to origin stories behind three simple dishes that have roots in Africa and became staples in America’s food culture.
11:50 a.m. Closing remarks AZ Health Zone Closing remarks Closing remarks

Optional After Hours

Time Session Type Speaker Session Title Description
1 p.m. – 4 p.m. ECE Focus Area Margine Bawden
Hope Wilson
Christy Stuth
Empower Train-the-Trainer This 3-hour Empower Basics Master Training for staff working in support of ECE strategies and objectives. The training will introduce staff to the Empower Standards, how to use them in support of policy development, revision, and implementation, and enable staff to provide Empower based trainings to ECE staff.

Zoom meeting link
1 p.m. – 2 p.m. Technical Assistance Roel Ayala Pena SEEDS Office Hours Do you have any actions you’ve been meaning to enter into SEEDS or questions you need answered? Join Roel for SEEDS Office Hours to ask questions, walk through how to enter information into SEEDS, and work parallel with others.
2:30 p.m. – 3 p.m. Physical Activity demonstration Tricia Kinnell Tai Chi with Tricia Join Tricia as she leads us in a 30 minute Tai Chi activity. All levels of ability are welcome!
3 p.m. – 4 p.m. Peer support Jennie Altman Trauma-Informed Meet Up A casual meet up to chat with other conference participants about all things trauma-informed.