
Fruit- nature’s delicious and nutritious treats! Fruit not only tastes good, but can also make us feel good. Fruits can be sweet or sour, and grow on trees, bushes, or vines. Cantaloupe, honeydew, fig, and citrus (like lemons) are all examples of fruit that grows well here in Arizona. 

From the sweetness of strawberries to the tanginess of citrus, each fruit offers a unique taste experience. They can be enjoyed fresh, dried, frozen, as juice, or even cooked into delicious desserts and savory dishes. Fruits can be enjoyed at any meal or snack to add fun flavors and textures. Try dipping crisp, in season fruit into this creamy Fruit Dip or try crunchy granola in this Banana in a Blanket. Fruit and cheese is a cool combination in this refreshing Watermelon Corn Feta Salad, or heat things up with this nourishing Kale and Cranberry Stir-fry

Just like the way different fruits have different flavors, fruits also provide many vitamins and minerals that can support our overall well-being in different ways. The vitamins and minerals found in fruits can help

  • build and grow strong muscles and bones,
  • boost our immune system, and
  • give us hydration and energy. 

There are many ways to enjoy the variety of fruits nature has to offer. Foods like fruits and vegetables also bring people together. We share meals, tend to gardens, and buy and sell fruits and vegetables throughout our communities. Keep these ideas in mind the next time you’re able to eat fruits and vegetables and connect with your community.