Aricona Summer Food Service Program Logo

Arizona Summer
Food Service Program

Free Summer Meals for Arizona Kids & Teens

All Arizona kids and teens (ages 18 and under) are eligible for free meals through the Summer Food Service Program at participating schools and community sites across Arizona during the summer break. Meals include breakfast, lunch, dinner or snack and vary with each location.

No applications or paperwork are needed. Children simply need to be present to receive their free, healthy meal.

For food assistance now, please contact the AZ Hunger Hotline at 602-528-3434 or 1-800-445-1914.

Kid smiling graphic
Kids playing and having fun graphic
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Getting free summer meals for kids and teens is easy! Simply find a participating summer food service site near you using the map below, and visit the site during the meal service time. There are no applications or paperwork needed.

The Summer Food Service Program runs every year during summer break. If you or your family need immediate assistance, call the Arizona Hunger Hotline at 602-528-3434 or 1-800-445-1914.

Image of little girl

Summer Food Service Programs Locations Map

The Summer Food Service Program will begin in May 2024

The Summer Food Service Program has ended for 2024
but will resume in late May of 2025

Parent Ambassadors

We are looking for parents and guardians who love the Summer Food Service Program and want to promote the program in your community. The SFSP Ambassador program gives families a voice in how the programs are promoted in communities, through promotion events and community communication.
Applications are due by March 15, 2024.

Apply Now

Additional Resources for Arizonans

Learn more about additional resources and programs for Arizonans who don’t have enough food. Help is available year-round for Arizona residents facing hunger at any time.

Emergency Food Image

Emergency Food

Many Arizona households struggle with food insecurity. If you aren’t sure where your next meal is coming from, Arizona Food Bank Network can help you today.

Nutrition Assistance Image

Nutrition Assistance

Nutrition Assistance helps individuals and families in Arizona by providing monthly benefits they can use to purchase nutritious food.

WIC Image


Nutrition education, breastfeeding support services, supplemental nutritious foods, and referrals to health and social services are available through the Arizona WIC program.

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