Farm to Institution
Tools for Farm to Institution
Displaying the most recent 1 of 63 total tools.
Physical Activity Kit (PAK)
Posted on October 11, 2021
The PAK is based on best and promising practices to increase physical activity. The PAK toolkit can be used in schools, communities, worksites, Head Start programs, elderly centers, and youth programs. The goal of the PAK is to increase the time American Indians and Alaskan Natives spend in medium to high physical activity for all ages across the lifespan. While the activities have been field tested to be culturally appropriate for Native communities, others might find PAK useful in their community.
Eagle Adventure
Posted on October 1, 2018
Curriculum Description
Eagle Adventure is for grades 1-3, designed around the Eagle Book series developed by CDC Div of Diabetes Translation’s Native Diabetes Wellness Program, Tribal Leaders Diabetes Committee and Indian Health Service, in response to the burden of type 2 diabetes among Native Americans and need for prevention materials for children. EA teaches importance of fruits, vegetables and physical activity. Relevant for prevention of diabetes, obesity and other chronic disease, EA honors tradition and culture with storytelling.
Audience: |
Grades 1-3 |
Number of Lessons: |
4 plus “Eagle Play” |
Lesson Length: |
35 minutes |
Common Core: |
N/A |
Language: |
English |
Price: |
Free |
Embedded Assessment: |
Not Required |
Curriculum Implementation Guidelines
Curriculum must be taught as a series in sequential order. The Eagle Play is part of the program and must precede the Lessons.
Junior Master Gardener – Level 2
Posted on September 17, 2018
Curriculum Description
The Junior Master Gardener (JMG) Level 2 Operation Thistle module allows students to participate in novel, hands-on activities focusing on Plant Growth and Development. Students will work as a group to complete lessons in each of learning concepts in the guide then work independently to complete activities which are found within the mission briefs and mission option pages. JMG Level Two combines Teacher/Leader Guide and reproducible pages of independent student “handbook” activities into a single book. This premier program encourages youth to take part service projects in their community.
Audience: |
Grades 6-8 |
Number of Lessons: |
12 Chapters |
Lesson Length: |
30-45 minutes |
Common Core: |
No |
Language: |
English |
Price: |
$40 |
Embedded Assessment: |
No |
Curriculum Implementation Guidelines
Lessons may be used individually as stand-alone lessons. The program can be implemented in schools, after-school programs, or other groups interested in young gardeners. Teaching multiple activities within a teaching concept is recommended. Please note: JMG Level 2 Operation Water is not approved for AZ Health Zone use.
Botany on Your Plate
Posted on November 1, 2017
Curriculum Description
Botany on Your Plate is a life science unit that inspires children to explore the fascinating realm of plants we eat. Every lesson begins with plant tastings that spark curiosity, interesting question, and social dialogue to fuel the learning process. This inquiry approach engages children as botanists observing and collecting data, discussing findings, and reflecting on what they learn as they study edible roots, stems, leaves, flowers, fruits, and seeds.
Audience: |
Grades K-4 |
Number of Lessons: |
8 |
Lesson Length: |
30-60 minutes |
Common Core: |
No |
Language: |
English |
Price: |
$21.95 |
Embedded Assessment: |
No |
Curriculum Implementation Guidelines
Lessons #1 and #8 are recommended. Lessons #2-7 are required. The lessons are designed to be implemented in sequence. These lessons are not stand alone. Lessons can be taught in 30 minutes, but 60 minutes is recommended.
Learn, Grow, Eat & Go!
Posted on November 1, 2017
Curriculum Description
Learn, Grow, Eat & Go! (LGEG) is a 10-week unit of study (two lessons per week) that is hands-on, multi-faceted, and academically rich. It combines the interdisciplinary elements of nutrition, garden science, physical activity, food preparation, and fresh vegetable tastings to improve the health and wellness of children, families, and the school community.
Audience: |
Grades 2-5 |
Number of Lessons: |
20 |
Lesson Length: |
Varies from 15-60 minutes; most lessons are 30-45 minutes |
Common Core: |
No |
Language: |
English (handouts in English and Spanish) |
Price: |
$52.00 (set of 5 featured children’s books available for an additional $50) |
Embedded Assessment: |
No |
Curriculum Implementation Guidelines
- The lessons are designed to be implemented in sequence. These lessons are not stand alone.
- This curriculum guides each class in planning and planting a garden. The size of the garden may be modified according to the curriculum.
- At least six food exposures are recommended. Two Garden Kitchen recipe demonstrations are recommended. Ten Go Strong classroom exercises are recommended (one per week). “Growing further” lesson extensions are optional.
Fruits and Veggies More Matters ™: Storing Fresh Fruits and Vegetables for Best Flavor handout Eng_Spn. 2016
Posted on September 16, 2016
Fruits and Veggies More Matters ™: Storing Fresh Fruits and Vegetables for Best Flavor handout.
Grow It, Try It, Like It!
Posted on August 23, 2016
Grow It, Try, Like It! is a nutrition education kit Featuring MyPlate is a garden-themed nutrition education kit for child care center staff that introduces children to: three fruits - peaches, strawberries, and cantaloupe; and three vegetables - spinach, sweet potatoes, and crookneck squash. The kit includes seven booklets featuring fruits and vegetables with fun activities through the imaginary garden at Tasty Acres Farm! It also has a CD-ROM with Supplemental Information and a DVD with Cool Puppy Pup's Picnic and Lunch Parties. Each set of lessons contains: hands-on activities, planting activities, and nutrition education activities that introduce MyPlate. Use the kit to promote learning at home with fun parent/child activities and family-sized recipes that give tips for cooking with children.
Audience: |
Pre-School |
Number of Lessons: |
7 Booklets (5 lessons per booklet) |
Lesson Length: |
15-30 minutes |
Common Core: |
N/A |
Language: |
English |
Price: |
Free |
Embedded Assessment: |
N/A |
Curriculum Implementation Guidelines
The booklets are designed to be taught in sequential order and follow a Day 1 to Day 5 Planning Chart. Booklets may be taught in any order or individually, following the lesson order within each booklet.
Media Smart Youth
Posted on February 25, 2016
Media Smarty Youth is an interactive after-school education program for young people ages 11–13. It is designed to help teach children about the complex media world around them and how it can affect their health-especially in the areas of nutrition and physical activity.
Audience: |
6th-8th Grade |
Number of Lessons: |
10 |
Lesson Length: |
90 minutes |
Common Core: |
No |
Language: |
English |
Price: |
Free |
Embedded Assessment: |
Optional |
Curriculum Implementation Guidelines
Curriculum offers structured lessons and a suggested time length, but can be flexible with time and audience. This program allows you to choose how often your group wants to meet to do the lessons.
***Note: Uses brand names, contractors are responsible for follow branding guidelines while using this curriculum.***
Posted on February 25, 2016
Go4Life from the National Institute on Aging at NIH is designed to help older adults fit exercise and physical activity into their daily life. This resource explores the kinds of exercises and physical activity that improve health and physical ability.
Types of Physical Activity
Posted on February 25, 2016