Walking Biking Transit Networks

Tools for Walking Biking Transit Networks

Displaying the most recent 1 of 7 total tools.

Slow Your Streets a How-To Guide For Pop-Up Traffic Calming

Posted on July 18, 2017

These successful demonstrations showcased proven methods of slowing traffic and increasing safety with traffic calming designs. The demonstrations were used to educate community members, elected officials, and city staff on how we can work together to create safer, more vibrant, and healthier communities. These educational events have the potential to influence policy change for better street design.

Complete Streets Talking Points: A Factsheet about Healthier Street Design

Posted on June 9, 2016

This fact sheet provides talking points and information to use when advocating for healthier street design.

Complete Streets Talking Points: A Factsheet about Healthier Street Design – Spanish

Posted on June 9, 2016

This fact sheet provides talking points and information to use when advocating for healthier street design.

Getting the Wheels Rolling: A Guide to Using Policy to Create Bicycle Friendly Communities

Posted on June 9, 2016

This guide provides a roadmap to making all types of communities bicycle friendly. This guide helps policy makers figure out where to start, and spells out how to effectively use policy to promote bicycling.

Healthy Community Design Resource Guide: Where Arizonans Live, Learn, Work, and Play

Posted on June 9, 2016

This resource guide provides public health and community partners with a concrete path to improve community health. These tools can be used comprehensively in an integrated approach that examines how well the physical characteristics of a community promote positive health outcomes, or individually to address a specific problem.

Making Streets Welcome for Walking: A Factsheet about Principles of Walkable Streets

Posted on June 9, 2016

This fact sheet outlines three principles of walkable streets: safety, convenience, and comfort. It also offers strategies for combining efforts across different local agencies, and provides advice for making short-term improvements and lasting, long-term change that make it easier for people to choose healthier ways to get around.

Open Streets

Posted on June 9, 2016

The Open Streets Project is collaboration between the Alliance for Biking & Walking and The Street Plans Collaborative. The goal of the project is to share information about open streets and increase the number, size, and frequency of initiatives occurring across North America. The Open Streets Project includes a published guide and this interactive website, which allows advocates and new open streets organizers to explore open streets efforts in other peer cities. To learn more, please visit: http://openstreetsproject.org/
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