Imp. PA Before/ After School
Tools for Imp. PA Before/ After School
Displaying the most recent 1 of 19 total tools.
Safe Routes to Schools Talking Points: A Factsheet to Help Create Safe Routes to School in Your Community_EN_ES
Posted on August 9, 2017
This fact sheet provides talking points and information to help communities create Safe Routes to School programs and policies. English_Spanish
Youth-Led Participatory Action Research Orientation (YPAR) Intervention
Posted on July 18, 2017
YPAR is a proven framework and model used to engage, empower, and activate youth on research to improve their schools, afterschool programs, communities, and/or service groups. YPAR is a model SNAP-Ed program, as noted in the SNAP-Ed Strategies and Interventions Toolkit. Implementing this program requires a Training and Technical Assistance, which is provided by the Public Health Institute in California: Contact Amy DeLisio, MPH, RD • (916) 265-4042 x109 •
Crossing with Confidence: Managing Risk When Creating Crossing Guard Programs in California
Posted on June 9, 2016
This comprehensive fact sheet discusses the legal implications of establishing a crossing guard program and identified concrete steps public entities – including school districts – can take to minimize their exposure to liability. While this ChangeLab Solutions’ resource was designed for California communities, information contained within the fact sheet can be adapted for use in other states as well.
Model Joint Use Agreements
Posted on June 9, 2016
The National Policy & Legal Analysis Network to Prevent Childhood Obesity (NPLAN) developed model joint use agreements to aid the development of such agreements. There is no one model joint use agreement and there is no single method to develop an agreement, but these are a great start.
Developing a Joint Use Agreement: A Checklist of Issues to Consider
Posted on June 9, 2016
This checklist is designed to identify issues to consider when developing a joint use agreement to share existing facilities.
Get Out & Get Moving: Opportunities to Walk to School through Remote Drop-Off Programs
Posted on June 9, 2016
This fact sheet is intended to help districts, parents, and active transportation advocates understand the legal implications of implementing a remote drop-off program and determine whether it is appropriate for their community. It also includes a cost-benefit worksheet for districts to assess the relative risks of implementing a remote drop-off program versus existing drop-off routines. While this ChangeLab Solutions’ resource was designed for California communities, information contained within the fact sheet can be adapted for use in other states as well.
Getting Students Active through Safe Routes to School: Policies and Action Steps for Education Policymakers and Professionals
Posted on June 9, 2016
This resource guide is intended for education policymakers, administrators and personnel at the state, school district, and individual school levels. It provides a detailed examination of the most up-to-date and relevant research linking physical activity and academic achievement, as well as the current rates of activity among school-aged youth. Common challenges and obstacles faced by schools—such as transportation costs, safety and liability issues—are discussed, as well as ways Safe Routes to School programs can help to mitigate these issues.
Implementing Safe Routes to School in Low-Income Schools and Communities: A Resource Guide for Volunteers and Professionals
Posted on June 9, 2016
Safe Routes to School (SRTS) programs and projects help schools and communities improve safety, and get more children walking and bicycling to and from school. This resource guide focuses on schools and communities where at least half of students or community residents are low-income; it is intended to fill that gap.
Minimizing Liability Risk: A Factsheet about Safe Routes to School Programs
Posted on June 9, 2016
This fact sheet explains why liability fears shouldn’t keep schools from supporting Safe Routes to School programs, and offers practical tips for schools and community advocates.
Playing Smart: A National Joint Use Toolkit
Posted on June 9, 2016
This toolkit is a nuts-and-bolts guide designed to help school staff and other community leaders craft and implement joint use agreements. Complete with model agreement language and success stories from communities around the country. This toolkit provides a comprehensive overview of the most common ways to finance joint use arrangements, and guidance on how to overcome obstacles that may arise in negotiating and enforcing a joint use agreement.