
Strategies for Childhood

Support the development, implementation, and evaluation of policies that promote nutrition and physical activity in Early Care and Education Systems.

Activity Description
Empower Policy Support Empower policy change at ECE, regional, and/or state levels.
Learning Collaborative Participate in learning collaboratives, coalitions and councils to build communities of practice
Staff Development Assist a program or facility to increase staff knowledge, abilities, skills, and improve practices.
ECE-Based Agriculture Train partners to implement and sustain gardens and/or support local food procurement and implementation.
Nutrition & Feeding Practices Support improvements in ECE nutrition practices & environments consistent with Empower Standards, including breastfeeding.
PA Environment Support improvements in ECE PA environments & practices consistent with Empower Standards (e.g. painted playgrounds)
Community Coordination Support ECEs to increase programs & resources that meet an identified need (e.g. food security resources - SNAP Outreach, backpack programs, food pantries)
Community Engagement Engage residents in SNAP-Ed eligible communities in the process and planning using consulting, involving, and collaborating techniques.

Support the development, implementation, and evaluation of policies that promote nutrition and physical activity in schools and other youth-based systems.

Activity Description
Policy Revision and Communication Support written Local Wellness Policy (LWP) and/or Empower review, revision, dissemination & (two-way) communication with school stakeholders
Wellness Committees Support District and School-Level school wellness committiees, including recruitment, formation and participation.
Staff Development Provide school staff with Train the Trainer on evidence-based curricula and resources to support policy implementation and encourge students' healthy behaviors.
School/Youth-Based Agriculture Train partners to impliment and sustain gardens and or support local food procurment and implimenation.
Nutrition Practices and Environment Support improvements in nutrition practices and environments, including the Smarter Lunchrooms Movement (SLM), School Meal Programs and Out-of-School Time (OOST) consistant with Empower.
Physical Activity Practices and Environment Support improvements in PA practices and environments by employing the tenents of a Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program (CSPAP) eg: active transportation, active recess, adequate Physical Education opportunities, classroom brain breaks.)
Community Coordination Support School and other youth-based programs and resources that meet an identified need eg: food security - SNAP Outreach, backpack programs and food pantries.
Community Engagement Engage residents in SNAP-Ed eligible communities in the process and planning using consulting, involving and collaborating techniques.

Tools for Childhood

Displaying the most recent 61 of 62 total tools.

Painting Preschool Playgrounds for Movement

Posted on December 31, 1969

This guide was developed to aid in designing and painting playgrounds with a goal of increasing opportunities for physical activity in preschools. The guide addresses: preschool physical activity recommendations; fundamental movement skills; suggested playground elements; and preparation and instructions for painting and tools to assist with playground designs.

Preventing Childhood Obesity in Early Care and Education Programs Second Edition. Selected Standards from Caring for Our Children National Health and Safety Performance Standards Guidelines for Early Care and Education Programs 3rd Edition

Posted on December 31, 1969

The second edition of Preventing Childhood Obesity in Early Care and Education Programs is the new set of national standards describing evidence-based best practices in nutrition, physical activity, and screen time for early care and education programs. The standards are for ALL types of early care and education settings - centers and family child care homes. This manual provides the foundational knowledge and reasoning that supports obesity prevention standards in early care and education settings. Use this manual to understand rationale and more comprehensive background information pertaining to nutrition and physical activity standards. 

Key Contacts for Childhood

Melisha Bryant

Melisha Bryant

Early Childhood Specialist
Kathryn Faull

Kathryn Faull

School System Specialist