
Strategies for Childhood

Support the development, implementation, and evaluation of policies that promote nutrition and physical activity in Early Care and Education Systems.

Activity Description
Empower Policy Support Empower policy change at ECE, regional, and/or state levels.
Learning Collaborative Participate in learning collaboratives, coalitions and councils to build communities of practice
Staff Development Assist a program or facility to increase staff knowledge, abilities, skills, and improve practices.
ECE-Based Agriculture Train partners to implement and sustain gardens and/or support local food procurement and implementation.
Nutrition & Feeding Practices Support improvements in ECE nutrition practices & environments consistent with Empower Standards, including breastfeeding.
PA Environment Support improvements in ECE PA environments & practices consistent with Empower Standards (e.g. painted playgrounds)
Community Coordination Support ECEs to increase programs & resources that meet an identified need (e.g. food security resources - SNAP Outreach, backpack programs, food pantries)
Community Engagement Engage residents in SNAP-Ed eligible communities in the process and planning using consulting, involving, and collaborating techniques.

Support the development, implementation, and evaluation of policies that promote nutrition and physical activity in schools and other youth-based systems.

Activity Description
Policy Revision and Communication Support written Local Wellness Policy (LWP) and/or Empower review, revision, dissemination & (two-way) communication with school stakeholders
Wellness Committees Support District and School-Level school wellness committiees, including recruitment, formation and participation.
Staff Development Provide school staff with Train the Trainer on evidence-based curricula and resources to support policy implementation and encourge students' healthy behaviors.
School/Youth-Based Agriculture Train partners to impliment and sustain gardens and or support local food procurment and implimenation.
Nutrition Practices and Environment Support improvements in nutrition practices and environments, including the Smarter Lunchrooms Movement (SLM), School Meal Programs and Out-of-School Time (OOST) consistant with Empower.
Physical Activity Practices and Environment Support improvements in PA practices and environments by employing the tenents of a Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program (CSPAP) eg: active transportation, active recess, adequate Physical Education opportunities, classroom brain breaks.)
Community Coordination Support School and other youth-based programs and resources that meet an identified need eg: food security - SNAP Outreach, backpack programs and food pantries.
Community Engagement Engage residents in SNAP-Ed eligible communities in the process and planning using consulting, involving and collaborating techniques.

Tools for Childhood

Displaying the most recent 1 of 62 total tools.

Empower Guide – Technical Assistance Manual

Posted on November 16, 2022

This manual is for anyone who supports quality practices and policies in out-of-school time (OOST) settings, from technical assistance (TA) providers to program directors. This can be a position within an OOST program or an external program that provides support to OOST programs.

Empower – Appendix_B Sample Partnership Agreement

Posted on September 30, 2022

Sample Partnership Agreement (PA).

Empower – Appendix_A Sample Email

Posted on September 30, 2022

This is a sample email that can be used for outreach to out-of-school time programs.

Empower Out-of-School Time Action Plan

Posted on September 30, 2022

Sample action plan for Empower Out-of-School Time.

Person-Centered Tips for Childhood

Posted on April 23, 2021

This resource and tip sheet is designed to support person-centered approaches for Childhood strategies and activities.

Smarter Lunchrooms Movement (SLM) Tools and Resources

Posted on January 12, 2021

This intervention is designed to improve nutrition practices and environments in schools by creating lunchroom spaces that “nudge” students to make healthier meal choices through the use of behavioral economics. Included is the Smarter Lunchroom manual, promotional flyers and scorecard. In addition, this section includes No time To Train (NTTT) for school nutrition staff training. Lastly, the SLM Implementation Guide for Student Groups can be used to provide schools with the knowledge, motivation, and resources needed to build a lunchroom environment to make healthier choices. Please note that the files may need to be downloaded to your computer to be in a usable format.

For evaluation-related SLM materials, including the SLM Scorecard Guide and Data Entry Portal, please visit the State Evaluation Team website. Log in and visit School Systems.
View Tool

Empower Self-Assessment Tool-ENG

Posted on April 18, 2019

This tool is used with sites participating in the Empower Program by Arizona Department of Health Services Bureau of Child Care Licensing and the Department of Economic Security contracted child care facilities (Family Child Care Homes).

Empower Self-Assessment Tool-SPA

Posted on April 18, 2019

This tool is used with sites participating in the Empower Program by the Arizona Department of Health Services Bureau of Child Care Licensing and the Department of Economic Security contract child care facilities (Family Child Care Homes).

Let’s Play Arizona Recess Toolkit

Posted on August 22, 2018

When you think back to elementary school, recess is often a highlight of the day. Recess was a time to play with friends and socialize. Research shows that recess is more than just a break from classroom time — it helps students not only increase their daily physical activity promoting healthy growth and development, but also helps students practice social skills (e.g., cooperation, following rules, problem solving, negotiation, sharing, communication), positively engage in classroom activities (e.g., being on-task, not being disruptive), and enhance cognitive performance (e.g., attention, memory). The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention outlines the following benefits of recess for students:

• Increasing their level of physical activity.

• Improving their memory, attention, and concentration.

• Helping them stay on-task in the classroom.

• Reducing disruptive behavior in the classroom.

• Improving their social and emotional development (e.g.,


The evidence is clear - healthy, active students are ready to learn and contribute to a positive school climate.

Empower Basic Training Toolkit

Posted on April 30, 2018

This toolkit contains the materials necessary to plan and deliver an Empower Basic training. This toolkit should only be utilized after completion of an Empower Basic Train the Trainer session. Note: Videos are included throughout the training presentation. Refer to the Facilitation Notes for indication when a video is meant to be played. Video files are included for download in the toolkit.

Empower Advanced Training Toolkit

Posted on April 30, 2018

This toolkit contains the materials necessary to plan and deliver an Empower Advanced training. This toolkit should only be utilized after completion of an Empower AdvancedTrain the Trainer session. Note: Videos are included throughout the training presentation. Refer to the Facilitation Notes for indication when a video is meant to be played. Video files are included for download in the toolkit.

Strategies for Recess in Schools

Posted on December 13, 2017

This document, Strategies for Recess in Schools, describes strategies for planning and providing recess in schools to help increase participation in physical activity and improve academic achievement (e.g., performance, behavior, attention). The audiences for this document include state and school district leaders that provide technical assistance and professional development on recess

Empower Infographic

Posted on December 13, 2017

Use this infographic as a tool with providers, parents, and community partners to communicate how the Empower Standards may be implemented and how daily practices support each standard. Keep in mind that your work in the AzNN applies to the Empower Standards related to obesity prevention (1, 3, 4, 5, and 6).

Step By Step: How to Start a Walking School Bus At Your School

Posted on December 11, 2017

The purpose of this guide is to provide a clear description of how to plan and organize a walking school bus using adult volunteers as leaders. This step-by-step guide outlines how to plan and implement a walking school bus for your school, and includes proven tools, tips and resources for a fast and easy start. Whether or not you are familiar with SRTS, this guide will get you started on the right foot.

Empower Sample Policies (Standards 1, 3, 4, 5, and 6)

Posted on August 10, 2017

Sample policies for Empower Standards 1, 3, 4, 5, and 6. ECE decision makers may use these policy templates when creating or revising policies in their setting.

Safe Routes to Schools Talking Points: A Factsheet to Help Create Safe Routes to School in Your Community_EN_ES

Posted on August 9, 2017

This fact sheet provides talking points and information to help communities create Safe Routes to School programs and policies. English_Spanish

Youth-Led Participatory Action Research Orientation (YPAR) Intervention

Posted on July 18, 2017

YPAR is a proven framework and model used to engage, empower, and activate youth on research to improve their schools, afterschool programs, communities, and/or service groups. YPAR is a model SNAP-Ed program, as noted in the SNAP-Ed Strategies and Interventions Toolkit. Implementing this program requires a Training and Technical Assistance, which is provided by the Public Health Institute in California: Contact Amy DeLisio, MPH, RD • (916) 265-4042 x109 •

Food and Beverage Marketing in School Wellness Policies

Posted on June 14, 2017

Model school wellness policy language for limiting unhealthy marketing to students.

Model Statute Limiting Food Marketing at Schools

Posted on June 14, 2017

This resource is a state-level tool for state boards of education, state policymakers, and school health advocates supporting healthy school food environments.

Washington Smarter Lunchrooms Toolkit

Posted on May 17, 2017

With a Smarter Lunchroom, your lunchroom team can have a positive impact on your students’ eating habits. This toolkit contains materials and resources that will help make the creation of your Smarter Lunchroom more manageable.

Key Contacts for Childhood

Melisha Bryant

Melisha Bryant

Early Childhood Specialist
Kathryn Faull

Kathryn Faull

School System Specialist